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Sunday, November 30, 2014

What is wrodpress

Wordpress is a CMS build for blogging in general but now it can be used for any type of website about 20% of the websites are based on it many of us here about wordpress we just thrown the name around without knowing actually it is? So let’s get start exploring with me in simple and easy steps!
It is blogging platform? A Content management system (CMS)?
A website building software? Or anything else?

What is wordpress?

Wordpress is a open-source content management system and free web publishing application base on php and mysql. It allow you to build a dynamic website without learning any coding techniques or programming language. Wordpress is the most popular blogging platform now days.
Wordpress was a blogging platform initially but with evolution in became a complete CMS to build any type of site like you can turn it into a food recipes site or build a business directory. It is completely build on PHP which is a free scripting language supported by MySQL and integrates with verity of different tools and features it allow you to rapid development of a dynamic site or blog with little or no effort where you can manage you website contents like images, video and other very easily.

For what is it?

Wordpress is generally use for blogging (What is blogging?) but any type of functionality can be added to it using plugins!
There is nothing final in wordpress you can extend it to any type of website you want normally adding some feature into a site it mean you have to write some code but there is  no need to worry about programming or any code techniques for non-technical users using wordpress it is as simple as using a account.

Blogging platform or CMS?

Actual root of wordpress is blogging but now you can use it as a CMS to build any type of website it was built for persons with little or no programming experience.
When you look wordpress as a CMS it a good one you just login select a theme and do some settings according to your need and start posting without any knowledge of HTML or CSS or any other programming language also can add any type of feature, tool or functionality to it via plugins. Some are fee while some are paid like you can add eCommerce shopping cart, a hotel management and even many more so finally it is a good blogging platform and a good CMS Too.
Read -----------------------> What is CMS?


Website which visible to whole public where peoples can read your posts and updates is called Front end of wordpress site it looks like an ordinary website.


Back end is an admin area where you can write, edit, update and post or can change theme and can add a plugin 

How to install wordpress?

All web hosting services provide one click install option in there script installer menu you just need to select wordpress from that menu and fill a little form then click on install that’s all. You can also use free blogging service provided by you just need to signup then login to your account and start blogging.

Theme and plugins

Theme is use for appearance of website like layout, menus, header and footer etc.
Plugin add any type of functionality in wordpress website and you can extent you site up to your needs using plugins.
There are lot of developers works for development of theme and plugins some themes are free and some are paid premium themes similarly some plugins are free and some are paid plugins make it safe secure, seo friendly and easy to manage.

What is next?

That was a little introduction of wordpress. Soon i will return with a new tutorials on 
How to install wordpress?
How use wordpress? for everyone

It’s your turn now!

I provide here some basic knowledge of wordpress if you have some queries or question to ask i always there to provide a full support do comment blow i will answer you as soon as possible.

Read more related articles!

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Friday, November 7, 2014

What is a dynamic website

Dynamic mean changing in content according to user needs. Dynamic website contains information that changes according to user request like time of day, native language of country and many other factors.

What is a Dynamic Website?

Dynamic website consist on a scripting (a code snippet) server-side script or client-side script to generate dynamic (changing) contents or combination of both scripts. 
In dynamic website contents be located in web hosting server when a user request a page then server generates that page and send back to user. Dynamically generated webpage may or may not be same every time. 

Script? Scripting?

Script is a simple bit of code of any programming language to do some task.
Scripting mean writing a complete task to do using any programming language.
There are two type scripting used in dynamic websites.

Client-Side scripting.

Client-side scripting mean a web page change in response to user action within the webpage without going on server. To do so user’s web browser download web content form server, process the code that embedded in this web page and then display contents to user.
Client-side scripting languages are JavaScript and jQuery etc.

Server-side scripting.

Server-side scripting mean a web page is generated on server and send back to user. Server-side contents generated on server like login page, from submission and shopping cart etc. This page response when it submitted to web server. 
Server-side scripting languages are PHP, Dot net and Ruby etc.

Advantages of dynamic websites.

Website management becomes easy with a Content Management System.
Easy update content without any programming language knowledge like PHP.
Design and layout can be changed independently of content.
Services such as online-shops, paying by credit card can be done with dynamic website.

Disadvantages of dynamic websites.

A little slower than static websites.
Developing a Content Management System is time-consuming.
As pages are not live and generate upon user request dynamic webpages are less visible for search engines.

Dynamic websites plus point 

Mostly dynamic website work with a CMS now days there is no need to worry for CMS as there are many free open source CMS are available like Drupal, joomla and Wordpress etc.

What is next?

That was a simple tutorial about dynamic website soon will be back with new tutorial on
Static VS dynamic website?

Need more related articles!

What is a CMS?   What is a Static website?   What is a Wrodpress?
What is a blog?   What is blogging?     Who is a blogger?  

It’s your turn! Do commenting

I provide here some basic knowledge of dynamic websites if you have some queries or question to ask i always there to provide a full support do comment blow i will answer you as soon as possible.
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Static mean there is no live change once contents are created they remain on website as there were created without any change static website contain fixed contents and each page is HTML coded.

What is a static website? 

Static website consist on fixed HTML page once they are created there is no change mean static website contents remain as it is on web until we made changes in source code file.

Static website consist on collection of simple HTML pages like a Home page a contact page about page and some other pages when user request a page to server it will return a static page to user without any change. Static websites are suitable when there is no need to change or update information. Static websites are not so common in there day as dynamic website change the web development trends.

Need of Static website?

We need static websites when information on website in not to be changed or display as it is

A company profile or a person portfolio remain as it is on the web so we decide to choose static website to make a portfolios basic reason to choose static websites are very easy to create. A lot of beginners first do there code practice on static website after they practice on some dynamic website. Some pros and corns of static websites are listed below.

Advantages of Static website!

1) Static websites are easy and fast to develop.
2) Cheap development no needs to invest big money.
3) As they required less space so they are cheap to host.

Disadvantages of Static website!

1) We need an expert if we want to make changes or some updates.
2) As there is no regular updates of information it is difficult to generate traffic.
3) Static website just contains information to read user cannot interact with website like create account.

 What is next?

That’s was a simple tutorial on static website very soon I will return with new tutorials on
What is a dynamic website?
Static vs dynamic website? Which one is best?
A detail comparison of Static and dynamic website!

Still confuse? more related articles!

What Is a CMS?
What is Wordpress?
What is blogging?

Your turn now! Do commenting

I explain what static websites are in simple and straight forward way if you still have some quires and question you can as me I am always there to support do commenting blow! I will answer all the questions as soon as possible.
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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Win RAR featured image
Win RAR DVD Cover

Win RAR instructions

Win RAR is a supporting to it compress you files make them relatively smaller you can compress many files in a single file and it become easy to send a single file over the Internet rather then sending many files.WinRAR is an archiving utility that completely supports RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives. It consistently makes smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.
It offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface. WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special "Wizard" mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure.

WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits. It supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. It also offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.

Win RAR also provide security to your file by compressing them so it become difficult for virus to effect them also due to compression the file size is reduce and you can easily transfer it over the internet

Win RAR technical details

Software Name:::         Win RAR
Software Type:::          Compressing Tool
Title:::                               Win RAR
Developer:::                    RARLab
Release date:::              April 23, 2014
Requirements:::           windows xp/vista/7/8 32 bit/64 bit

Win RAR Download section

Win RAR 5.0 Download button

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Flash player 14 featured image

Flash player 14 instructions

Flash Player is a pulg-in for playing on-line video and flash games and other media related material it is the choice of both individuals and organizations when it comes to a highly powerful and extremely adaptable multiplatform client runtime. Flash has many new features and continues to be the ubiquitous Web standard; this software is included with all major Web browsers.
Adobe Flash Player supports several data formats including AMF, SWF, XML and JSON. The multimedia formats which are supported by Flash Player include MP3, FLV, JPEG, GIF, PNG and RTMP. The other features which are supported include accelerated graphics rendering, multithread video decoding and webcam support for Video.
it is available across all major operating systems, tablets, smart phones and browsers. Adobe Flash Player runtime allows you to potentially reach over 1.3 billion devices across the Web.

Flash player 14 Technical details

Software Name:         Flash Player
Software Type:          Plug-in or support
Title:                         Adobe Flash Player
Developer:                Adobe
Release date:             May 1, 2014
Requirements:           windows xp/vista/7/8 32 bit/64 bit

Flash player 14 Download section

Download Flash player 14 free button

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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Skype 6.21 featured image
Skype 6.21 full version free download

Skype 6.21 instructions

Skype is most popular free voice-over IP and instant messaging service. Skype allows to text, video and voice call over the internet. Users can also call landlines and mobiles at competitive rates. Skype was publically released in 2003 and now accounts for roughly a third of all international calling minutes.Skype uses P2P technology to connect users on a multitude of platforms including desktop, mobile and tablet.Once you’ve downloaded and installed Skype, you will need to create a user account and unique Skype ID. You can then search for other users in the Skype directory or call them directly using their Skype ID.Video chat is available on higher bandwidth connections and makes keeping up with distant family/friends much more interactive.Classic messaging service features like profiles, online status, contacts and recent history are displayed in the left navigation. Here you will also find the Skype directory, group options, a search box and premium calling buttons
On fast internet connections Skype call quality is excellent for both voice and video calls. The hybrid peer-to-peer client server system means the sound quality is better than most VoIP services. That being said, if you do have a slower internet connection, voice calls may be interrupted or delayed. Video calls will be intermittent and pixelated. Text chat will only be affected by very poor connections. The call quality button will give you detailed information on the expected call quality for each of your contacts.

Skype 6.21 technical details

Software Name:        Skype
Software Type:          Video Calling
Title:                         Skype
Developer:                Microsoft
Release date:             February 20, 2014
Requirements:           windows xp/vista/7/8 32 bit/64 bit

Skype 6.21 Download section

Skype 6.21 full version free download

Skype 6.21 Download free button

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Microsoft Direct X featured image

Boost performance in graphics and sound when playing games or watching video on your PC.

Microsoft Direct X instructions

DirectX is a group of technologies to make Windows-based computers for running and displaying applications rich in multimedia elements such as full-color graphics, video, 3D animation, and rich audio. DirectX includes security and performance updates, along with many new features across all technologies, which can be accessed by applications  The latest version of the Microsoft Windows Gaming API delivers Microsoft's powerful new High-Level Shader Language and features its most-advanced suite of design tools for rich multimedia elements such as full-spectrum color graphics, video, 3-D animation  DirectX 9.0 introduces significant improvements across its suite of APIs. DirectSound offers new audio capabilities, DirectShow accelerates video rendering hardware, and Direct3D enhances low-level graphics programmability with new pixel shader 2.0

Microsoft Direct X Technical details

Software Name:         Direct X
Software Type:          Software support
Title:                         Direct x 9
Developer:                Microsoft
Release date:             June 8, 2010
Requirements:           windows xp/vista/7/8 32 bit/64 bit

Microsoft Direct X Download section

Microsoft Direct X Download
Microsoft Direct X free Download button

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Microsoft dot net featured image

Microsoft dot net introduction

Hi, Friends we all want to play game on our PC but most of games fail to run on PC because they need Microsoft software library name as Dot Net Frame work it is a collection of commonly used libraries write by Microsoft to make the development process fast and easy so in short if we want to play latest games on PC we should install Dot Net Frame work 3.0 version you can download it here

Microsoft dot net instructions

Dot Net framework 4 works side by side with older Framework versions. Applications that are based on earlier versions of the Framework will continue to run on the version targeted by default.  Version 4.5.1 built upon successes of the previous milestone releases v4 (which among other things enabled developers to optimize their apps for parallel computing or distributed systems) and  (which for the first time enabled developers to start developing and support for Windows 7 multi-touch, ribbon controls, taskbar extensibility features, and Surface 2.0 SDK. WCF Data Services is a component of the .NET Framework that enables you to create REST-based services and applications

Microsoft dot net technical details

Software Name:         Dot Net Frame work
Software Type:          Software library
Title:                          Dot Net
Developer:                 Microsoft
Release date:             August 12, 2008
Requirements:            windows xp/vista/7/8 32 bit/64 bit

Microsoft dot net download section

Microsoft dot net free download

Microsoft dot net free download button

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Opera web browser featured image

Opera web browser introduction

Opera is a modern web browser support all most all technologies.Opera includes pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, integrated searches, and advanced functions like Opera's groundbreaking E-mail program, RSS Newsfeeds and IRC chat. And because we know that our users have different needs, you can customize the look and content of your Opera browser with a few clicks.

Opera web browser technical details

Software Name:         Opera
Software Type:          Web browser
Title:                         Opera
Developer:                Opera software
Release date:             April 3, 2014
Requirements:           windows xp/vista/7/8 32 bit/64 bit

Opera web browser Download section

Opera web browser Download button

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Total Video Converter featured image

Total video converter is the best video converter i ever use it almost support every format video 

Total Video Converter introdution

TVC is an excellent solution that serves to convert nearly all existing video files to MP4, SWF,3GP, FLV, VCD, DVD etc. It can run all the popular audio/video file extensions and can even grab audio from video tracks and save it in MP3, AC3, OGG, WAV and AAC. And, of course, there is a built-in player to play these files. it has a potent algorithm of transforming files so you can convert it with very high speed in contrast with its rivals. It supports up to 40 video and audio extensions and up to 30 different ways of converting.
Design and features of this program are simple and easy to navigate. The main features are all accessible from the main window, and Total Video Converter also gives you quick and easy instructions on startup. The conversion time will be different for each task that you do, depending on the file size as well as format, but it handles most of the popular formats, including mp4, 3gp, xvid, divx mpeg4 avi, amr audio. There are other features available as well to make it easier to find and upload files, including Import Media Files and Import Photos. Making a photo slideshow is very simple, though the quality depends on the photos you use. You do have a few special effects to choose from, and these are similar to most slideshow programs. You can also grab or copy audio from your favorite CD discs, a feature we liked for adding a soundtrack to your videos. 

Total Video Converter technical details

Software Name:         Total video converter 
Software Type:          video converter 
Title:                         Total video converter
Developer:                Effect matrix 
Release date:             2006
Requirements:           windows xp/vista/7/8 32 bit/64 bit

Total Video Converter Download section

Total Video Converter free download button

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Mozilla firefox featured image

Mozilla firefox introduction

Mozilla Firefox's latest incarnation adds an improved social platform to its bevy of creative settings and host of add-ons. The new Social API lets you embed social networks into the browser for easy access, bringing you convenient updates and notifications from Facebook and other networks. If you haven't already tried this browser, there's no better time than now. Prides itself on being on the cutting edge with its many features and high performance. The new release consistently performs near the front of the pack in terms of speed, running in our side-by-side tests neck and neck or slightly faster than strong contenders like Chrome or Opera. As one of the first browsers to support add-ons and extensions, Firefox boasts one of the largest add-on databases on the Web -- most add-ons are already compatible with the new release, increasing its functionality as well as enhancing its essential features like tabs, secure browsing, or sync. The most interesting feature of the new release, Social API, lets you receive notifications, chat, and more by integrating multiple social sites. It doesn't work with all the big social sites yet, but the list of supported networks will grow in time. Mozilla Firefox 27 provides one of the best browsing experiences available, with a sleek interface that gives you plenty of room to browse. While the new release doesn't bring many new features, Social API is a welcome addition, as are the various security fixes and code improvements for developers.

Mozilla firefox technical details

Software Name:         FireFox
Software Type:          Web browser
Title:                         Mozilla FireFox
Developer:                 Mozilla
Release date:             2006
Requirements:           windows xp/vista/7/8 32 bit/64 bit

Mozilla firefox Download section

Click to download Mozilla firefox free

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--guy behind this blog--


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